Wellness Activities

Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Our expert acupuncturists have chosen our top five exercises to o complement your acupuncture treatments and support your journey towards improved well-being. Each exercise serves a unique purpose, catering to diverse preferences and needs. Let's explore these transformative exercises that have earned the seal of approval from our skilled acupuncturists.

The 6 Healing Sounds of Qi Gong with Dr. Ted (Video)

The 6 Healing Sounds of Qi Gong with Dr. Ted (Video)

The 6 Healing Sounds of Qi Gong with Dr. Ted Treantafelles L.Ac. D.O.M.C. Qi Gong is Chinese for life energy cultivation! Practiced as a set of movements as poses, releasing negative energy, focusing on the positive energy, healing sounds, and colors of the five elements. Dr. Ted Treantafelles L.Ac. D.A.C.M performs the 6 healing sounds in our latest video!

Summer gardening with Peter + Lisa

Summer gardening with Peter + Lisa

As many of my patients know, Lisa and I are avid gardeners. For many years I have enjoyed growing our own food and have felt that gardening was a natural way to promote personal and planetary well-being.

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Divorce is stress season, no matter when it is occurring. While you can’t make someone who is out the door stay or stay when everything in you is pushing you out the door, you can choose to strategically reinforce your body's capabilities of handling stress through your choices of which foods to consume. Read more from divorce coach, Lisa Brick…

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Could your home or office office have SICK BUILDING SYNDROME (SBS)?  If you or others in your environment suffer headaches, nausea, rashes, eye irritations or dizziness it just might be the problem.  Learn more and get ideas from Jane Brick (the plant whisperer) on how to make your spaces healthier!

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

At ACNJ, we counsel patients in the important ways they can reduce inflammation and promote natural, healthy function. These healthy and easy to achieve guidelines will enhance your regular acupuncture treatments and greatly improve the way you feel and your ability to resist disease and lead a longer, healthier life. Read more...

What's Qi Gong?

What's Qi Gong?

Chinese and Western medicines can seem very different, but they do have one thing in common. The idea that prevention is the best medicine. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are several pillars or overarching modes of treatment. All of which can be used as an active intervention in acute or chronic disease or preventatively to avoid disease entirely.

Get Out While You Can

Get Out While You Can

Today many parents and children are fearful of “outside”, uncomfortable in an environment that has uneven surfaces, soil, and, of course, mysterious critters.  Some of the fears arise from legitimate concerns, like Lyme Disease, yet a thorough tick check in the evening takes care of that. A body of knowledge of the benefits of outdoor and wild place play has developed since my children were little.  These benefits include (read more...)

What’s at Stake Now! Action, Peace and Clarity…

What’s at Stake Now! Action, Peace and Clarity…

Anger and fear...two strong emotions showing up in spades, especially since the election in November. Now, more than any other time in my life, I find it vital that I slow my reactions, feeling my feelings, and discern between what is real and what I fear. It is up to me to remain crystal clear on what is important to me and how to best advocate for it.


Crucial Conversations for the Holiday Season

Crucial Conversations for the Holiday Season

When handled adroitly these potentially explosive conversations can be defused without giving up or giving in...by being clear and intentional that not only is this not the time or place to have battles, it is a special time to exhibit good will, generate peace at home, and create an environment as conducive to a happy, laughing family as possible.  

The Mind Muddler - a Multitasking Illusion

The Mind Muddler - a Multitasking Illusion

Multitasking has been shown to undermine the ability for single focus attentiveness. It leads to feelings of stress and anxiety thereby diminishing satisfaction and joyfulness. Instead of increasing productivity multitasking increases the time it takes to complete tasks and reduces the quality of work accomplished, all while providing the illusion that doing more gets more done.

A Natural Foods Journey from Illness to Wellness

A Natural Foods Journey from Illness to Wellness

The root cause of my husband’s issues stemmed from an extremely permeable gut that had allowed horrible toxins to leech into his bloodstream and brain. It took a solid year for him to be healed full of moments of doubts and struggle, but at the end of that year I saw a visible shift in my husband.

Meditation: A Beginner’s Story

Meditation: A Beginner’s Story

I have been contemplating doing meditation for years. Yes I said years!  Patients of mine do it, friends do it, yet I have been resistant to trying it for fear of not being good at it. I have a slight fear of failure and sometimes it holds me back from trying new things. Well, up until recently that is. Something finally came over me and  I decided that I really and truly have nothing to lose here.

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Chinese New Year and Infomagical Challenge: How to remain curious, active and sane! This weekend we are leaping into another Chinese New Year: The Year of Monkey.

The Virtue of Forgiveness in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Virtue of Forgiveness in Traditional Chinese Medicine

I have noticed when children fight and argue, they quickly become friends again and start their play again. It is remarkable how kids are able to forgive and forget; this is what makes them so vibrant and continuously happy. We as adults have a more difficult time in doing this practice.