Migraines and other headaches
Every headache sufferer knows that the intense, debilitating pain makes life miserable. Nausea and vomiting, weakness, light and noise sensitivity, fatigue, irritability and depression are common companions to blinding pain. Often the only remedies are powerful pain medications that only work temporarily and may have serious side effects.
Many studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective treatment for relief of all headaches, including migraines, cluster, tension and sinus headaches. In many cases, these studies show that acupuncture provides greater and longer lasting relief than conventional medical treatment.
We treat many people with all types of headaches. Many patients turn to acupuncture after suffering from severe, chronic pain for years. They often find fast, effective and lasting relief from a series of acupuncture treatments. In many cases acupuncture is successful in relieving the frequency and severity of migraines and associated symptoms such as nausea and vomiting and fatigue. Acupuncture is very effective for injury-induced headaches, including post-concussion syndrome. Most patients are able to significantly reduce their need for powerful pain medications. Some long-suffering patients report complete relief.
Every patient is unique and each headache presentation is different. We offer a comprehensive evaluation, history and examination to each patient to determine which treatment option is best suited for their needs. We often recommend herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, stress management and other modalities in addition to acupuncture. We'll be happy to discuss how acupuncture can help with migraines.