
What’s at Stake Now! Action, Peace and Clarity…

What’s at Stake Now! Action, Peace and Clarity…

Anger and fear...two strong emotions showing up in spades, especially since the election in November. Now, more than any other time in my life, I find it vital that I slow my reactions, feeling my feelings, and discern between what is real and what I fear. It is up to me to remain crystal clear on what is important to me and how to best advocate for it.


Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

as an acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 35 years I’m struck by how often I witness these emotions and interpretations in my practice in New Jersey. As a healer, I often help my patients with their health disorders using the wisdom of Five Element dynamics to balance physical and emotional physiologies