Pediatric acupuncture and shonishin

Children respond very well to acupuncture. Because their Qi or vital energy flows freely and at the surface, it is can be stimulated easily and quickly. The acupuncturists at the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey have treated many infants, toddlers, children and teens for these common conditions: ear infections, allergies, asthma, digestive disorders, headaches, sports injuries, ADHD, learning and behavioral problems, bed-wetting and other health issues.

We use a very gentle approach and acupuncture technique with children. We use the finest of ultra-thin needles and usually do not leave the needles in their body. For younger children and infants who are very sensitive to needles, we use a set of non-needle called Shonishin.

Shonishin is kind of acupuncture that uses small metal tools to scratch, tap, or brush on the child's skin over acupuncture pathways. It does not use needles and is completely painless so even the most sensitive children can experience the benefits of acupuncture. This treatment gently relaxes and simulates the child's body back into balance.


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