acupuncture for health

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

The’s how life is.  After weeks and weeks of a chilly, damp spring in the Mid Atlantic Hardwood Forest region of the US we have the most glorious weather. The sun is warm yet the air has been dry and breezy. The sky is as blue as can be, with white fluffy clouds.  Flowers abound, a riot of color, smells, textures. it looks like Oz. Read more…

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Divorce is stress season, no matter when it is occurring. While you can’t make someone who is out the door stay or stay when everything in you is pushing you out the door, you can choose to strategically reinforce your body's capabilities of handling stress through your choices of which foods to consume. Read more from divorce coach, Lisa Brick…

To Flu Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? ‘Tis the Question for This Time of Year

To Flu Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? ‘Tis the Question for This Time of Year

Many of my acupuncture patients ask if I recommend they get a flu or shingles vaccination in the fall or winter. There’s a lot of contradictory and confusing information regarding the flu shot and its effectiveness and safety so I’m including these articles that I hope will make it easier for you to make the choice that’s right for you...