Weight Loss and Digestion
We treat many people who have had no success in losing weight and achieving their desired body shape and feel. These are patients who have learned that diet fads and pills don’t work and they are tired, frustrated and confused. Acupuncture works by stimulating points that decrease appetite, improve digestion and metabolism, regulate blood sugar and digestive enzymes, and promote relaxation and proper rest. This enables the patient to eat healthier, nutritious foods and focus on exercise and fitness.
If you are unhappy with your weight and body type and have been struggling to shed pounds and get fit then acupuncture may be the best option! Diets, supplements, medications, exercise, fasting and other methods often don’t work well and create more frustration. The cycle of weight loss followed by weight gain has motivated many to try acupuncture. Acupuncture works by reducing appetite and lowering the natural “satisfaction “set points in the hypothalamus and appetite center of the brain so you will feel full after smaller meals. It stimulates absorption, metabolism and intestinal motility so you will get increased energy from the foods you ingest. You will feel satisfied with smaller meals. Your metabolism will improve and you will have more energy to exercise, build muscle and burn fat. Small pellets are placed in your outer ear for you to press on between your acupuncture treatments that will reduce your appetite and stimulate your metabolism.
Many people have found acupuncture very effective for common or serious digestive problems. Acupuncture works great for IBS, GERD or heartburn, ulcers, constipation, diabetes and malabsorption problems like leaky gut. Often these symptoms are caused by poor nutritional habits, emotional distress, or prior illness that has weakened the Spleen Qi and Stomach Yin. Your acupuncturist will be able to discern your particular pattern of disharmony through pulse and tongue diagnosis. In addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas we use Bio-Terrain nutritional analysis and counseling to determine the best nutritional plan, supplement protocol, and fitness regimen.
If you wish to get to your ideal weight or are suffering from any digestive problem, acupuncture will be a very effective therapy that will provide great and lasting success! We'll be happy to discuss how acupuncture can help with weight loss, digestive, or metabolic disorders.