
Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Our expert acupuncturists have chosen our top five exercises to o complement your acupuncture treatments and support your journey towards improved well-being. Each exercise serves a unique purpose, catering to diverse preferences and needs. Let's explore these transformative exercises that have earned the seal of approval from our skilled acupuncturists.

Healthy Bean Salads Perfect for Summer

Healthy Bean Salads Perfect for Summer

As acupuncturists, we often check in with our patients to help them make healthy food choices. Eating according to the seasons is an important adjunct therapy to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here are our ideas for tasty, nutritious and healthy summer eating. 

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

The’s how life is.  After weeks and weeks of a chilly, damp spring in the Mid Atlantic Hardwood Forest region of the US we have the most glorious weather. The sun is warm yet the air has been dry and breezy. The sky is as blue as can be, with white fluffy clouds.  Flowers abound, a riot of color, smells, textures. it looks like Oz. Read more…

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Could your home or office office have SICK BUILDING SYNDROME (SBS)?  If you or others in your environment suffer headaches, nausea, rashes, eye irritations or dizziness it just might be the problem.  Learn more and get ideas from Jane Brick (the plant whisperer) on how to make your spaces healthier!

Get Out While You Can

Get Out While You Can

Today many parents and children are fearful of “outside”, uncomfortable in an environment that has uneven surfaces, soil, and, of course, mysterious critters.  Some of the fears arise from legitimate concerns, like Lyme Disease, yet a thorough tick check in the evening takes care of that. A body of knowledge of the benefits of outdoor and wild place play has developed since my children were little.  These benefits include (read more...)

Find Your Path: Taoism + Chinese Medicine

Find Your Path: Taoism + Chinese Medicine

One of the ways that Taoism is interpreted is in following the path of where your life and your actions are meant to take you. It’s possible to do anything in this life, but when we stray from the path life becomes more difficult. This concept can also be seen in many other philosophies and religions referred to as destiny, kismet, or divine will.

If you’re a woman you need to read this…

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To some I looked like the picture of health. But truth is, my minimal food intake was creating a HUGE problem for my body. One of the biggest challenges I faced was food. What to eat, how much to eat, and understanding why it's important to make the right choices each and every day. One day I woke up and noticed my periods were getting lighter, until eventually they stopped all together. There was no severe hormonal issue, no pregnancy, and no thyroid issue, what it came down to was my lack of food intake...mainly healthy carbohydrates. I was malnourished and my body had essentially shut down the part that would allow me to get pregnant. Our bodies are so smart! If you can't nourish your own body well, then there's no way it will allow you to nourish another life. So what needed to change? • EAT MORE CARBOHYDRATES. Eating ketogenic (under 30-50g carbohydrates a day) is not supportive enough for our lady hormones. We need up to 150g per day! Yes your favorite celebrity might be doing the paleo diet and looks slim and healthy, but guaranteed she has hormonal issues too. • EAT MORE CALORIES. 2000-2200 is ideal for most women. You have to stop the calorie counting! Eat a balanced diet and forget about the exact number. Here's a simple breakfast you can eat that will give you all the energy protein sugars carbs and fats you need to start your day. I love it and it really does keep you energized!

-7 raw almonds -7 raw cashews -7 raw walnuts -7 raw pecans -1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds -2 figs or dates. Combine in a baggie, add a piece of fruit to go with the mix, (apples are best) and you are set!

• STOP OVER EXERCISING. Sure your pants may be nice and loose and you may be sporting some rock hard abs from your 2 hour a day workouts, but if you're in your child bearing years, your exercise routine should be more about moderation and less about chiseling those muscles. A brisk walk with some light weight training is ideal.

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• CUT DOWN ON THE MENTAL STRESS. And do something to help de stress yourself. One of the best things you can do is acupuncture. Doing this once a week will help your body remain in balance. If your body is stressed it WILL NOT allow you to reproduce! This is a crucial aspect that needs to be addressed.

By doing these changes, I brought my cycle back into working order, and I feel better than I’ve felt in a long time. I've seen so many young girls who are going through IVF because of these issues I mentioned. Don't let this be you! Be healthy. Be active. Be comfortable in your own skin. Have some chocolate. And stop comparing yourself to everyone else out there. Find ways to not only feed your body but to feed your soul.

The Acupuncture Center of New Jersey - 40 Franklin Street, Morristown, NJ 07950To book an appointment with Rachel please call 
