At the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey we often meet women who complain of common menopausal symptoms. These include hot flashes, irregular menstruation – sometimes with heavy bleeding that is unpredictable and difficult, fatigue, low libido, vaginal dryness and discomfort, and anxiety. Many of our female patients who use acupuncture for other problems like back pain or headaches are surprised when we tell them we can help them go through the natural process of menopause with much greater ease and comfort.
As women age in their 40s and 50s the natural process of reproductive decline causes endocrine or hormone disruption that can bring on frequent and uncomfortable hot flashes and night sweats, heavy and irregular bleeding, anxiety, fatigue and headaches. Conventional medical therapy can offer only artificial hormone replacement such as estradiol which has been implicated in various other serious disorders such as cancer. Most women are looking for a natural, alternative option.
Acupuncture works by strengthening and balancing the female energy (Yin) with the male energy (Yang). During menopause as the Yin naturally weakens, Yang becomes over-strong and causes heat and swelling, By stimulating acupuncture points on the abdomen, lower legs, wrists and ears the female reproductive energy strengthens and gets back in balance with Yang. Some menopause symptoms may continue but at a much more natural and comfortable level. We also recommend Chinese herbal medicine formulas to support the acupuncture treatment. These formulas have been used for centuries to allay menopause and include safe and effective natural substances such as angelica, peony, lovage, schizandra, hoelen and other herbs.
Some common signs and symptoms of menopause
Menopause is a natural, temporary process that gradually wanes as the female ages. With the help of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine it can progress much more smoothly and our patients often contuse with treatment to enhance their endocrine health which supports them in feeling youthful and energetic. We also recognize that men go through similar hormonal changes that mimic female menopause and involve the decline of androgens so we focus on hormonal treatments for men.
Dr. Helen Chen - Practitioner