Natural, Healthy Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy and Childbirth
Acupuncture has earned a reputation for being the most powerful natural therapy for promoting fertility, pregnancy and healthy childbirth. For many years the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey has specialized in the treatment of women and couples who are suffering from infertility and other reproductive and hormonal challenges. Our practitioners are very well trained and experienced in using Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and nutritional and wellness counseling for women and couples who are going through IVF and other medical procedures. Several local fertility clinics refer their patients to us to optimize their chances for a successful fertilization and pregnancy.
Acupuncture works for infertility and other related gynecological issues by regulating hormones and blood flow to the reproductive organs, promoting predictable peak ovulatory phases, stimulating a rich uterine lining, and stabilizing hormones after conception to prevent miscarriage. We also treat women for common problems associated with pregnancy such as nausea and we help turn breech babies and promote natural labor and delivery to avoid C sections.
We often treat couples and use acupuncture to support the male partner to stimulate male androgens to improve sperm production and sexual function.
Read more here about the ways acupuncture can help promote natural fertility!